영어 공부 유용한 사이트 + 영어수업 내용 정리
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강사님에게 추천받은 학습 사이트
수업을 하시거나 1:1코치을 하시면서 강사님께서는 여러 사이트를 소개해 주셨습니다. 사실 저는 1:1 코칭 때 한 사이트를 추천받아서 난 이 것만 해야지! 하고 결심했기에 다른 사이트 공부방법을 상세히 듣진 못 했습니다. 그래도 메뉴를 보시면 아 이게 이런 내용들이 들어있구나 하는걸 아실 수 있습니다.
각 사이트별 특징과 공부 방법은 챗지피티를 통해 간략히 설명드리고, 제가 들은 공부법은 따로 말씀드리겠습니다.
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- 특징: 미국에서 가장 권위 있는 영어 사전으로 알려져 있으며, 300,000개 이상의 단어 정의를 제공하며 최신 영어 단어와 의미로 지속적으로 업데이트됩니다.
- 영어 공부 방법: 단어 정의뿐 아니라 어원, 발음, 예문을 활용해 단어를 깊이 이해하는 데 좋습니다. "Word of the Day"를 구독하면 매일 새로운 단어를 배울 수 있습니다.
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- 특징: 다양한 영어 레슨 계획을 제공하며, 학습자의 시간과 예산에 맞춘 수업을 선택할 수 있습니다. 실시간 회화 수업을 통해 영어 실력을 빠르게 향상시킬 수 있습니다.
- 영어 공부 방법: 실시간 튜터와 대화하면서 실습하고 즉각적인 피드백을 받는 것이 특징입니다. 수업을 예약하여 일관성 있게 영어 회화를 연습하기에 좋습니다.
News in Levels
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★ 제가 공부 방법을 선택한 사이트입니다.
- 특징: 학생들을 위해 영어 난이도를 세 가지로 나눈 뉴스 기사로 학습자가 자신에게 맞는 수준의 기사를 선택하여 읽을 수 있습니다.
- 영어 공부 방법: 뉴스를 레벨별로 공부해 어휘와 독해력을 점차 향상시킬 수 있습니다. 듣기와 읽기를 함께 학습할 수 있으며, 점차 상위 레벨의 기사를 읽으며 실력을 키울 수 있습니다.
BBC Learning English
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- 특징: 다양한 주제를 바탕으로 한 비즈니스 영어, 뉴스 영어, 문법 강좌 등 포괄적인 학습 자료를 제공합니다.
- 영어 공부 방법: 수준 높은 동영상과 오디오 강의를 통해 듣기와 발음, 비즈니스 영어 등을 학습할 수 있습니다. 무료로 다양한 주제의 영어 학습 콘텐츠를 접근할 수 있어 효과적입니다.
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- 특징: 비즈니스 영어와 일반 영어를 모두 다루며, 실생활과 직장에서 활용할 수 있는 영어 표현을 학습할 수 있습니다.
- 영어 공부 방법: 비즈니스 상황에서 쓰이는 표현을 학습할 수 있어 업무나 회의, 이메일 작성 등에 도움이 됩니다. 또한 듣기와 쓰기 연습을 동시에 할 수 있습니다.
VOA Learning English
Voice of America - Learn American English with VOA Learning English
Learn American English with English language lessons from Voice of America. VOA Learning English helps you learn English with vocabulary, listening and comprehension lessons through daily news and interactive English learning activities.
- 특징: 미국식 영어로 뉴스를 제공하며, 영어 학습자를 위한 속도 조절과 쉬운 단어 선택이 특징입니다. 뉴스 주제와 어휘 학습을 결합하여 실생활 영어 능력을 기를 수 있습니다.
- 영어 공부 방법: 뉴스와 시사 문제를 통해 영어 실력을 키우고, 듣기 연습을 함께 할 수 있습니다. VOA Learning English는 미국식 발음과 영어를 학습하고자 하는 학습자에게 유용합니다.
※ 나의 선택은
저는 News in Levels을 이용하여 학습하기로 하였습니다. 해당 사이트는 어플로도 있어서 쉽게 접근 가능합니다.
해당 어플에서는 같은 뉴스를 1/2/3 어휘력 레벨 별로 기사를 들을 수 있습니다.
강사님이 말씀하신 공부법은
1) 3lvl 로 기사를 여러번 듣는다.
2) 기사를 요약한다. (이 때 요약을 입 밖으로 소리내며 말해야한다.)
3) 내가 요약한 내용을 1lvl 기사를 들으며 비슷한지 맞는지 확인한다.
4) 여기까지 진행하면, 모르거나 이해 못 한 어휘는 1/3 lvl 스크립트를 보며 확인한다.
교육 과정 간 학습 내용
※ 1 일차
You took on board the ideas about making small talk and building rapport.
You were able to paraphrase each other, and sometimes yourselves, well.
You asked good questions to get more information.
Benefits of building rapport:
establish trust
reduce tension
reduce misunderstanding
make meetings run smoothly
Appropriate small talk topics:
food - breakfast, lunch,…
sport / TV
Inappropriate small talk topics:
personal questions (age, marital status, salary,...)
current affairs?
politics / money / religion
Non-verbal skills:
make eye contact
physical gestures (offering coffee, exchanging business cards,...)
appropriate gestures (bowing, nodding,...)
shaking hands
facial expressions (smiling,...)
good posture
being presentable (having a neat appearance)
reciprocating others' actions
Useful expressions:
What/How about you, _____?
Any other ideas, _____?
Do you agree?
What are your thoughts on this, ____?
Do you have anything to add, ______?
Let's get started. / Let's get down to business. / Let's get down to it. / Let's make a start.
Let's turn our attention to today's agenda. You'll notice we will be...
On today's agenda there are three main items. First... Second... Finally...
By the end of today's meeting, I hope...
Could you repeat that, please?
Steps to starting a meeting professionally:
greet & thank participants for coming
make small talk
transition into starting the meeting
go over previous meetings
briefly review agenda
set goal
set expectations for the meeting
Areas for Improvement:
When asking a question, make sure you direct it to someone.
Try to develop small talk by asking questions that are related to the previous sentence.
Start a meeting by introducing yourselves clearly!
I have marriage last year. -> I got married last year. / I am married.
I birth in 1990. -> I was born in 1990.
Last year I got child. -> We had a baby last year.
Not to release my weight, just to stress out. -> just to relax / release stress
5 years ago, I participated in a marathon.
One per fifth. -> Once every 5 meetings.
It's perfectly normal to be (late/stressed/nervous).
I've had similar issues with my computer / this customer.
I've had the same issue as you.
Pardon me, but I have another idea.
to stress out = 극심한 스트레스를 받다 / 패닉에 빠지다
jogging / running / long-distance running = 조깅 / 달리기 / 장거리 달리기
marathon / half-marathon / 10k / 5k = 마라톤 / 하프 마라톤 / 10킬로미터 달리기 / 5킬로미터 달리기
to find common ground = 공통점을 찾다
distant (adj) = 거리가 먼, 멀리 있는 / 냉담한 (관계에서)
(body) posture = 몸 자세, 자세
to be presentable = 보기 좋게 하다, 단정하게 하다
to come up = 예상치 못하게 발생하다, 일어나다
to go over = 검토하다
to narrow down / to whittle down = (범위를) 좁히다, 축소하다
to be on the same page = 동의하다, 같은 생각을 하다
to build/establish rapport [ræˈpɔːr] = 래포어
strategy [ˈstrætədʒi] = 스트래터지
commitment [kəˈmɪtmənt] = 커밋먼트
※ 2 일차
Lots of clarification and checking in the meeting reduced miscommunication
The meetings had good structure - good openings and endings
The flow of conversation was more natural today
Steps to empathising:
acknowledge the problem
find out the reasons
show understanding
offer solutions / help
Active listening:
make eye contact to show attention
repeat / paraphrase the speaker's words
use gestures like nodding / shaking your head
use facial expressions (surprise, question,...)
use short words / phrases to show interest ("Really?", "I see.", ...)
use some noises (Hmmmm, Uhuh?, ...)
take notes
repeat key words to check details
avoid using devices
The meeting was run efficiently, so everyone left on time.
Nobody was late because we didn't waste time.
Areas for Improvement:
Try to reduce long silences - don't worry about making perfect sentences
Remember to use the verbal and non-verbal skills we discussed to empathise with others
We don't competitive to each other. -> We don't compete with each other.
To make empathy we need to find some similar experience. -> To empathise we need to relate our experiences.
If I'm Julien, I request someone to help his work. -> If I were Julien, I would request help with his work.
2nd conditional = If + past simple, would + inf. = unreal, impossible situations
Might I suggest getting some advice from your senior?
Might I suggest moving to the next sentence?
Have you tried changing the schedule?
You have a lot of works to do. -> You have a lot of work / tasks / jobs to do.
I'm sorry to hear Minsu's say. -> I'm sorry to hear what Minsu said / about Minsu's problem.
Okay, but what is the problem? -> Would you mind explaining your problem a little bit? / Could you give me a few more details, please? / I was wondering if you could tell me about your problem.
Is there any about worry? -> Is there something on your mind? / Is there anything distracting you? / Is anything wrong?
Rafik has to notice the condition of the task to Mr Shin. -> Rafik has to inform / let him know the status of the task. = good collocation
nursery / daycare centre = 어린이집 / 보육원
a critical factor = 중요한 요인
to overlook something = 무언가를 간과하다, 지나치다
logical rationale = 논리적인 근거, 이성적인 이유
empathy (n) / to empathise (v) / empathetic (adj) = 공감 (명사) / 공감하다 (동사) / 공감하는 (형용사)
syllable (n) = 음절
an expatriate (expat) = 해외 거주자, 외국인 주재원
predecessor / successor = 전임자 / 후임자
to have a lot on your plate = 할 일이 많다, 해야 할 일이 많다
former / previous = 이전의, 예전의
a subordinate <> a supervisor = 부하 직원 <> 감독자, 상사
vertical / flat hierarchy = 수직적 / 수평적 조직 구조
budget [ˈbʌdʒɪt] = 버짓
cause [kɔːz] = 코즈
※ 3 일차
You used some persuasive techniques well - strong vocabulary, emphasising key words,…
There was good clarification again, so only a few miscommunications.
You used vocabulary and expressions from the textbook well.
Steps to follow when deciding your position:
identify the purpose of the meeting
research background information
find pros and cons of each position
decide which position is closest to your purpose
find evidence to support your position
anticipate other positions
set limits (create a 'Plan B')
make sure that everyone in the team understands the position
Types of evidence:
facts / statistics
hypothetical results - If we take a soft stance, other clients will think we are a soft touch.
Persuasive techniques/skills:
assertive gestures like pointing
confident posture - keep your head up (don't look at the ground)
maintain eye contact when making key points
don't speak too quietly
clear, low tone & steady speed
choose the right location
plan your position logically
use simple vocabulary
keep sentences short and concise
use 'strong' vocabulary (wonderful > good, I strongly believe, I'm sure..., I know...)
have a neat appearance - wear suitable clothing
observe your audience
Areas for Improvement:
Try not to get stuck on small details in negotiations. If it's not working, take a step back and think about the main goal.
When starting a meeting, don’t forget to set a clear agenda and goal.
Work on making sentences and questions short and simple.
Yesterday, I do overwork. -> Yesterday, I worked overtime.
We must insist that we cannot satisfy our customer's demand.
It's a tough call but keeping to / following our strategy appears to be the right thing to do.
We should also consider any potential disadvantages to raising our price.
How long takes time to test this project? -> How long does it take to test this project? It takes...
If she can win this hardness situation then she can do the same with other people. -> If she can overcome this tough situation she can do anything.
To prevent his honour I'd talk to Sai. -> To save face, I'd talk to Sai.
I think if we work overtime, then we can finish this project within deadline. -> on time.
What is the issue with the reason that we have to work overtime? -> Why do we have to work overtime?
What is the issue with our fridge?
statistics = 통계, 통계학
to stand up to someone = 맞서다, 반대하다
to stand up for someone = 지지하다, 옹호하다
assertive (adj) = 자신감 있는, 단호한
to elaborate -> Can you elaborate on that? = 자세히 설명하다 -> 그것에 대해 자세히 설명해 주실 수 있나요?
professionalism = 전문성, 직업의식
a downside = 단점, 부정적인 면
to be on the fence = 결정하지 못하다, 고민 중이다
get behind / back someone = 지지하다, 응원하다
to take someone up on something = 제안을 받아들이다
a regulation = 규정, 규제
be my guest = 마음대로 하세요
to play devil's advocate = 반대 입장에서 말해보다, 일부러 반대 의견을 내다
to burn the midnight oil = 밤늦게까지 일하다, 밤샘 공부하다
to exaggerate something = 과장하다
to never give an inch = 조금도 양보하지 않다
to set something aside = 따로 두다, 제쳐 두다
in the short/medium/long term = 단기/중기/장기적으로
procedure [prəˈsiːdʒər] = 프러시저
※ 4 일차
You changed your language well to calm the situations.
Again, you made sure to check and clarify when you weren't sure.
The amount of pausing and silence has reduced.
Skills for conflict resolution:
manage stress
critically examine the situation
be objective
think outside the box - be creative with solutions
address the problem directly
hear everyone out
use empathy and active listening
take a break
focus on the goal
forget stereotypes
Handling emotions (of others):
acknowledge the problem
change the scenery - go for a coffee
find out the cause of the problem
appreciate the other person
focus on the positives
avoid blame
choose your words carefully (You made a big mistake! -> There's been a mistake, so we need to try to fix it.)
stay calm and detached
Useful expressions:
Can you expedite that for me?
I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm sorry that you feel that way.
I sincerely / deeply apologise for that.
I apologise again for the inconvenience.
I'm truly sorry for that.
Please accept my deepest / sincere apologies.
DIRECT Help me! -> Can you help me? -> Would you mind helping me? -> I was wondering if anyone could help me. -> I was wondering if there is anyone who wouldn't mind helping me. INDIRECT
Areas for Improvement:
Add structure to your speaking by adding 'signpost language'.
Don't over-correct yourself - it's okay to make small mistakes in vocab / grammar.
Say 'sorry' more when trying to manage conflict!
If you don't resolve conflict, it can get bigger and bigger. -> If you don't resolve conflict, it can get worse and worse / snowball.
If we want to handle this stress, we have to use many energy. -> , we have to use a lot of energy.
I don't have much time. / Do you have much time? / I have much time. -> I have a lot of time.
We will let you know after two weeks. -> We will let you know within / in two weeks.
within - anytime until that point
in - exactly this point in the future
They didn't finish the work in deadline. -> in time. / by the deadline.
... because his son is possible to getting hurt. -> because it was possible for his son to get hurt. / because his son could have been hurt.
could have + pp - for a situation which didn't happen, but was possible.
You did your best, but it was not perfect. -> Thank you for giving your best effort, but I believe you can do even better next time.
I'll do my best next time. -> Could you give me some specific feedback? / How can I improve?
I am absolutely sorry for the confusion. -> I am truly/deeply/sincerely/so sorry for...
I am absolutely tired. / I am absolutely exhausted.
He loses his temper over minor mistakes.
The less vacation you use, the much better to us. -> The less vacation you use, the better.
The nearer the office, the higher the price.
to hold a prejudice = 편견을 가지다
a stereotype / to stereotype someone = 고정관념 / 고정관념을 가지다, 선입견을 가지다
think outside the box = 창의적으로 생각하다
to snowball = 눈덩이처럼 불어나다, 점점 커지다
a know-it-all = 아는 척하는 사람
to stay out of someone's business = 남의 일에 관여하지 않다
to expedite an order / a shipment = 주문/배송을 신속히 처리하다
in transit = 운송 중, 이동 중
sizable (adj) = 상당한 크기의, 꽤 큰
a tight schedule = 빡빡한 일정
on hand = 소유한, 가까이에 있는
a grievance = 불만, 고충
to pull up some data = 데이터를 불러오다, 조회하다
to defuse an emotional situation / a bomb = 감정적 상황/폭탄을 진정시키다, 해소하다
to pick up the slack = 빈자리를 메우다, 남은 일을 맡다
to roll up one's sleeves = 소매를 걷어붙이다, 적극적으로 일에 나서다
a piece of cake = 아주 쉬운 일, 누워서 떡 먹기
※ 5 일차
You used persuasive techniques effectively - strong language and clear sentences.
You were able to reaach a consensus by following the steps.
Yiu showed empathy for each others' situations.
Steps to reaching a consensus:
1. outline aims and goals
(you may have to use empathy to guess the real goal)
2. identify potential obstacles
3. adjust positions and make compromises
4. reassess the situation
(you may need to repeat Steps 2-4)
5. confirm the final agreement
Disagreeing politely:
I see where you're coming from, but...
I understand your point of view, but...
You have some good ideas, but...
You're not completely wrong, but...
I'm afraid I can't fully agree to that.
I'm sorry, but...
Useful expressions:
How can I help you?
What can I do to help?
Is there anything I can do to help?
Does anyone disagree?
Is everybody happy?
Have we reached consensus?
Does anyone have any questions or concerns before we finish?
I appreciate your participation in today's meeting. Let's finish there.
Thank you for attending today's meeting. See you on Friday.
Areas for Improvement:
Keep working on the accuracy of your sentences.
You used soome good phrases from the textbook, but make sure you don't miss any words, or change the form of them.
Try to add more intonation and emphasis in your speaking.
What do you think about, Junsu? -> What do you think, Junsu? / What do you think about _____, Junsu?
His mention was so strong. -> What he said / His opinion was too strong.
I agree to your opinion. -> I agree with you.
Mr. Jeong was using strict words.
Mr. Jeong needs to catch Jakub's wants. -> Mr. Jeong needs to identify/understand Jakub's goals/aims/targets.
May I add my word? -> Could I add something here? / Can I jump in here?
What's your budget to buy this engine? -> What kind of price do you have in mind?
Hello, this is Kim. Nice to meet you. -> Hello, I'm ____. Sorry, I wasn't able to introduce myself earlier.
I think we need to find some middle point each other. -> I think we need to find the middle ground.
Can you accept this deal? -> What do you think about this? / Would this be acceptable for you? / How does that sound?
Can you add more 3%, please? -> Would you be able to reduce by 3% more? / Would it be possible to further reduce the price?
I'm very appreciated your participation in this meeting. -> I really appreciate your participation...
Is there anybody who didn't happy with our agreement? -> Is there wnyone who isn't happy with our agreement? / Is everyone in agreement?
to reach consensus = 합의에 도달하다
to make compromises = 타협하다
terms and conditions = 이용 약관, 조건
to prioritise / a priority = 우선순위를 두다 / 우선순위
strict (adj) = 엄격한
to oversee a project = 프로젝트를 감독하다
time-consuming task/activity = 시간이 많이 걸리는 작업/활동
extend / shorten / set / meet / miss / work to a deadline = 마감일을 연장하다 / 단축하다 / 설정하다 / 맞추다 / 놓치다 / 맞춰 일하다
to go broke = 파산하다, 무일푼이 되다
to file for bankruptcy = 파산 신청을 하다
※ 1대1 코칭 시 어드바이스
- 문장을 시작하기 전에 미리 생각을 하고 말하라.
: 문장을 얘기하는 도중에 말문이 막혀버리면, 중간에 공백이 생겨 듣는 사람이 문장을 이해하기 어려울 수 있다. 뜸을 들이더라도 말문을 열기 전에 생각을 하는게 낫다. 만약 문장을 생각하느라 침묵이 발생하는 것이 싫을 경우 '음...', '어...' 등 추임새로 생각 중임을 표현해도 좋다.
- 미팅 전 Small talk를 할 때나 의견을 얘기할 때 누군가를 Nominate하는 것이 좋다.
: 문장을 끝낼 때 누군가를 지목하거나 언급하지 않으면, 듣는 사람들은 자신이 대화를 이어나갈 차례인지 몰라 쉽사리 나서지 못 한다. 따라서 이 때 의도치 않은 침묵이 발생할 수 있다. 간단한 스몰토크는 누군가를 지목하며 의견을 묻거나 동의를 구하거나 하면 쉽게 대화가 받아져서 이어진다.
- 문장이 너무 길어지면 Structure를 구성하라.
: 문장이 너무 길어지게 나열하면 듣는 인원이 못 따라 오고 지쳐 나가떨어진다. 할 얘기가 너무 길어질 것 같으면, first/second/last 등으로 나누어서 얘기하면 듣는사람이 쉽게 이해할 수 있다.
- 너무 완벽한 문장을 구사하려 하지마라.
: 문장을 말하는 도중에 단어나, 문법을 고쳐서 다시 말하려고 하지마라. 어차피 문맥적으로든 대충 다 알아듣는다. 이미 지나간 발음은 지나가게 두고 자연스럽게 말하기에 집중하라.